Welcome To dChurch

Welcome to d-church May 2016. If you are joining us for the first time you are particularly welcome. Feel free to ‘like’, ‘react’ comment or share at anytime. Don’t forget to keep pressing your page refresh button so that you can see other people’s comments

We continue in our theme thinking about some of the things Jesus said. Tonight we look some words about judging others.luke-6-37.jpg

Gone Fishing



Tomorrow I go fishing, with my son and a friend of ours, who has fished before.

I have no idea what to expect, and am a novice at this fishing thing. I am not even sure I will enjoy it!

Begrudgingly I am going because my ten year old has nagged me for months. Early last year we got given some second hand fishing gear, that has stayed unpacked and unused in our garage. Now it is time to use it!


There is plenty in scripture about fishing, there are quotes about “fishing for men” and stories about nets being full to breaking when Jesus, tells the disciples to throw the nets on he other side of the boat.

For me its this, tomorrow I learn now to fish, I have mixed feelings about it and am not sure I want to go at all.

I have a nervousness in my stomach similar to that nervousness perhaps when you cross the threshold into church for the first time, or encounter an opportunity to share your faith.

I take heart that the person teaching me knows what he is doing and by the end of the experience I will know a thing or two about fishing. Or put it another way, I am being schooled or discipled in the art of fishing. Just as we are discipled as christians, who is discipling us matters, what they are investing in us means something and produces in us new skills.

So my son and I are stepping into something new together, we will learn a new skill at the same time. As we do church together what things of God are we sharing and what ways of discipleship are we offering to those who accompany us on the journey, from old to new? I wonder what experiences or skills of the path that is behind us, will help us for the way ahead?

Have you ever been fishing and do you like it? 

In whatever context you find yourself, what does it mean to be in a christian community.

What main faith experiences are useful as we journey together?

What do we need to put to one side, to enable us to become more like the people, God is calling us to be?


Finally I don’t know what fishing will mean for me or my son by the end of tomorrow. We may hate it, or love it. One thing for sure is that experiencing it together as father and son, will have added value to our experience of our life together.

Lets go fishing..


Living the resurrection!


Hi folks, i trust you are all having a good week, I have been wondering for a while about what and how the resurrection affects us as followers of the way of Jesus and in doing so I came across this challenging little quote by Peter Rollins.

At one point in the proceedings someone asked if my theoretical position led me to denying the Resurrection of Christ. This question allowed me the opportunity to communicate clearly and concisely my thoughts on the subject, which I repeat here.
Without equivocation or hesitation I fully and completely admit that I deny the resurrection of Christ. This is something that anyone who knows me could tell you, and I am not afraid to say it publicly, no matter what some people may think…
I deny the resurrection of Christ every time I do not serve at the feet of the oppressed, each day that I turn my back on the poor; I deny the resurrection of Christ when I close my ears to the cries of the downtrodden and lend my support to an unjust and corrupt system.
However there are moments when I affirm that resurrection, few and far between as they are. I affirm it when I stand up for those who are forced to live on their knees, when I speak for those who have had their tongues torn out, when I cry for those who have no more tears left to shed.

So what do folks think of this?

Peace, Rob

dchurch: Follow Me

Welcome to d-church. We’re continuing our theme of thinking about the things Jesus said. Tonight we consider his words, ‘follow me’.

Opening question…..why do you think people follow football teams/singers/bands/trends etc? You might like to add who you follow.

Follow me……twitter style.


At the edge…

10299199556_d81a08df6b_oHi folks, this weeks reflection comes out of a conversation I had this last week. Last Sunday saw the first of our litter picks forsunday@thepub. While we were walking and picking up litter, even though it wasn’t to bad we still managed to pick up a fair bit. It struck me and others that the litter was mainly and visibly seen at the edges. The edge of the sea as it lapped on to the shore and then up at the top as it was caught by the fence or bushes.

And so I have been thinking about the ‘edge’. It’s a term I hear a lot, and its a term I hear in many different circles. You may have heard some of them…

‘edge of society’,

‘edge of the church’,

‘edge of the universe’,

‘edge of reason’,

‘don’t stand too close to the edge’

‘lose her edge’

‘Take the edge off’

That kid is taking it right to the edge!’

‘a competitive edge’

‘edge of extinction’

‘At the cutting edge’

‘at the water’s edge’

What is interesting about some of these phrases is whats wrapped up in them, it’s almost a negative and risky image that is being portrayed. So back to the litter pick, with the litter being pushed to the edges it made me think about my own Christian life and that of the church. So much of the history of the Methodist Church was steeped in the tough places, – the edge, where all the litter and the rubbish was blown. Its been great to be involved in things like Street Pastors that try to care and help those who are vulnerable after a night out – it’s the edge. Litter picking isn’t dangerous unless you start finding glass and other such things, but it is the edge. it’s not glamorous, and most folks avoid getting involved. As a result of Sundays litter pick I found myself walking to a meeting on Monday… and I picked up some litter as I walked… I could have filled a bag with rubbish if I had brought one… the litter pick spilled over…

I wonder if ‘part’ of being a follower of Jesus… no in fact I want to say that ‘being’ a follower of Jesus means getting to the edge… Amongst the rubbish and problems and being a presence, picking up the litter, mopping up sick, fighting for the homeless, standing with the poor.

What does the edge look like for you?

Are we all asked to get involved in the work at the edge?

How can you follow Jesus to the edge?

God bless. Rob

Sherlock Holmes – Lord Blackwood

Watch this clip from Sherlock Holmes when Lord Blackwood is about to die… (spoiler alert – theres a death scene, if you dont want to see it skip to 4 min 3 seconds.


So is death the end or only the beginning?

A final Prayer and Good Night

Northumbria community canticle


We hope you have been encouraged and challenged by this evenings d-church, thank you for joining us and we will see you again next month, and don’t forget to follow our weekly reflections. Good night and God bless.