Pentecost Prayers!

Pray-Through-Pentecost-logoThis months d-church is all in one post… The reason is that you can do this in your own time.

Please feel free to comment if you wish


As we celebrate the birth of the church at pentecost we wondered if it was time to pray… If prayer is something that you don’t understand or buy into then why not read the words and reflect on them and think about the situations that are raised.

Let us begin with the Lords Prayer 

Acts 2:1-4. When the day of Pentecost came. Pastel & pen. 26 May 2012.

Acts 2:1-4. When the day of Pentecost came. Pastel & pen. 26 May 2012.

2daf5634257608d32e16d61a32542846Prayers for the World – We ask you to pray for a country or situation that you are concerned for. Amen

As we pray for the world and the situations we see all to often in the world, let us be reminded that it’s also a beautiful place and that it’s in Gods hands. check out this great song – What a wonderful world.

599181Pray for the UK – We ask you to pray for a situation that you are concerned for. Amen 

communityPrayers for our Community – Think about the community that you are a part of, what are the issues that you see on a daily basis… pray for them. Amen 

As we reflect on our community check out this classic 80’s hit – Life in a northern town.  here are the lyrics…

A Salvation Army band played

And the children drank lemonade

And the morning lasted all day, all day

And through an open window came

Like Sinatra in a younger day

Pushing the town away, ah

Ah hey, ma ma ma

Life in a northern town

They sat on the stony ground

And he took a cigarette out

And everyone else came down to listen

He said, “In winter 1963

It felt like the world would freeze

With John F. Kennedy and the Beatles”

Ah hey, ma ma ma

Life in a northern town

Ah hey, ma ma ma

All the work shut down

The evening had turned to rain

Watch the water roll down the drain

As we followed him down to the station

And though he never would wave goodbye

You could see it written in his eyes

As the train rolled out of sight, bye-bye

Ah hey, ma ma ma

Life in a northern town

Ah hey, ma ma ma

Life in a northern town

2n6djklPray for family and friends – Think about those whom you are closest to, why not light candle as you pray for you family. Amen

And so as we close we finish with this poem by Mark J. Berry wrapping all these prayers and posts in the Holy Spirits light and power.

Waiting, Waited Flame Breather, Life Teaser,

Sweet Essence, Hard Presence,

Pulsing Blood, Sweeping Flood

Storm Force, Water Source,

Deepest Kiss, Draining Bliss,

Motivator, Love Creator,

Hearts Gripped, Conventions Ripped,

Fire Poured, Winds Roar,

Whisper, Whisper,

Blown Upon, Blown Away,

Burning Up, Burning Out,

Baraka, Ruach, Shanti, Shalom,

Life Spirit, Holy Spirit, Spirit.

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